St Agnes Physio
           HCPC Registered      Chartered Society of Physiotherapy     Nuffield Health         Physio First

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Common Problems

What is a sprain?

A sprain is a stretched or torn ligament. Ligaments connect one bone to another bone at a joint and help keep the bones from moving out of place. The most common site of sprains is the ankle.  

How are ankle sprains diagnosed?

Signs of an ankle sprain are swelling, pain, bruising and trouble moving the ankle after the injury. Your doctor will usually be able to tell you if you have a sprain by asking you some questions about how the injury occurred and by examining your ankle.

How can ankle sprains be treated?

Many doctors recommend using the RICE approach:- Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation, for treating ankle sprains.
If you experience severe pain always seek medical advice as sometimes a bone may also be broken.
After the first 24-48 hours, ultrasound therapy may be administered. Various forms of massage, including frictions may be performed.

Symptoms allowing, controlled movement should be encouraged. This will progress into rehabilitation exercises to increase muscle strength and balance reactions before return to normal activities

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Common problems
Back pain
Elbow pain
Neck pain
Hand & wrist
Shoulder pain
Knee pain


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Knee painKnee pain
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Hand and wrist painHand and wrist pain
elbow painElbow pain

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  Copyright | Rob Jefferies 2013